WLC partners with 基督教家庭解决方案 (CFS) to provide a wide range of counseling services to undergraduate students. 一个初始, 短期的个人咨询课程是免费的, and if longer-term services are 需要ed several options to pay for continued services are available.
辅导员, 有威斯康辛州执照的人吗, 通常与学生见面约45分钟. 经常解决的挑战包括, 但不局限于:界限, 关系困难, 压力, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 物质使用, 饮食问题, 或者自尊问题.
涉及世界卫生组织保健服务范围以外服务的治疗需求, 比如心理咨询, 药物评价, 或专业咨询(如.g.、药物滥用、饮食失调等.)将会导致适当的转介,在这种情况下, 个人负责与这些服务相关的任何费用.
如果您对咨询服务感兴趣或有问题, 请透过以下任何一种方式与我们联络:
基督教家庭解决方案 has multiple clinic locations to meet the 需要s of our students. 如果你有一个地点偏好,请在录取过程中说明.
- 校园咨询中心:WLC健康服务,529 N. 89街
- 基督教家庭解决方案日耳曼诊所:W175 N11120 Stonewood Drive
- 通过一个安全的在线视频平台
Group counseling is an excellent way to talk with peers about a topic of interest and explore differences in how individuals deal with challenges. Group options may be available throughout the academic year and conducted based on student interest, 需要, 和可用性. If you are interested in group counseling support, please contact the 生署署长: 杰基.kacmarynski@kekohotel.net or 414.443.8549.
In addition to the counseling services provided through the partnership with 基督教家庭解决方案, 幸运的是,WLC有很多人在帮助照顾我们的学生. The following individuals are available to help - it's what they love to do - and students are encouraged to reach out and connect with one or more of them whenever 需要ed and to learn about additional resources available.
Students are encouraged to utilize 卫生服务 when medical assistance is 需要ed as most services are available at little to no cost for students and many common 健康 issues can be addressed on-site. 必要时,将为适当的下一级护理提供转介. 强烈鼓励预约,以便患者能够及时就诊.
- 流感疫苗
- 非处方药物
- 接种疫苗*
- 写处方
- 结核病测试*
- 疾病的鉴别和治疗
- 体检
- 旅行放映
- 实验室工作指令
- 医疗状况监测
*表示学生可能需要支付费用. 有关当前定价,请与运行状况服务部联系.
- Students can self-schedule an appointment through Medicat by utilizing the “appts” tab.
- 学生也可以发邮件 健康services@kekohotel.net 或拨打414.443.8630.